Sunday, July 31, 2011

I see London I see France

I think I see Frolic's underpants?  Do you see them?  (hint...they are white)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Painting Project with Patti

My very good friend Patti is visiting from KY this week.  Mark and I look forward to her visits for many reasons...the biggest being that Patti is HILARIOUS...I mean really...we laugh the entire time she's here.  But the other reason is that Patti inspires us to do projects that we want to do, but for some reason keep putting off.  This painting project was one of those.  The items needed a lift...and I think we succeeded in giving them just that.  Thanks Patti!

 The trunks before their makeover.

A little scrubbing to remove cobwebs etc.

Bright blue to wake things up a bit.

Lovely purple to balance the bright blue.

The file cabinet got jealous, so we squeezed in another makeover.

The dresser patiently waited its turn.

The paint.  Pretty huh?  Best part?  This was a gallon of oops paint that only cost $7.71!  Nice!

The first stroke.  Lovely!

The finished dresser.  I LOVE it!

The entire makeover.  It changes the entire space.  Yay!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tomato Flowers!

Looks like I may get a few tomatoes from my little guys.  Although they aren't so little anymore.  They're all grown up...learning to drive...going off to college...getting married.  

Monday, July 25, 2011

Stream Splashin' Equines

Guess they aren't afraid of the snakes.  Brave horses.  Cool horses.  Smart horses.  I think I need to hit the store for some oversized waterwings...and a couple of noodles.  

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The nightmare before Christmas

Why does this photo remind me of that movie so much?  I took it with my phone.  I sort of like it.  Looks like there's a hole in the sky.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sandye's Birthday Tractor Ride

This past weekend Mark's mom celebrated a birthday.  We struggle as to what to get the woman that has (or can make) everything.  Mark managed to come up with two gifts he thought she would find useful.  And then Mark had a fabulous idea.  (he has those alot)

Our tractor was purchased by Mark from his Grandmother's estate.  (Mark's mom's it?)  Mark's mom used to help work her family's farm on this very tractor.  She was delighted to know that Mark had purchased it and was planning on using it on our farm.  I think she likes knowing it lives close by and is being well cared for.  As a matter of fact we just had extensive work done to ole Fergie.  She is running better than ever.  

So Mark decided to drive Fergie over to the party and offer his mom a little ride.  Let me tell you...she was grinning from ear to ear!  I think this Birthday memory will last a long time.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Airstream gets new shoes!

We are getting closer and closer to getting the ole girl back on the road.  Mark and I have all of our trips planned.  We just need to get the Airstream to fall in line.  She's been very patient with us.  Thank you Airstream.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tomato Pots

I am in an experimental mood.  I'm experimenting with tomatoes in pots.  I have more control over the soil and the watering this way.  I'll keep you posted.  I sure hope they produce...cause I LOVE tomatoes.  (BTW...thanks Jen!)

Should I name them?  (by the way these are old photos...they are three times this size now.  See below!)

Is it Tomayto or tomahtoe?  Hmmmmm...

See?  They are GROWING! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Lavendar smells soooooooo good.  We have four bunches we planted and they are all doing wonderfully.  Man does the stuff smell good...and it's pretty too.  (like Mark...except he's handsome...not pretty)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The ants go marching

two by two hoorah, hoorah.  Or is it two thousand by two thousand?  Holy heck...that's alot of ants.  Luckily a few hours later they were GONE!  I don't even want to think about where they went.  Can you say heebie jeebies?

Friday, July 8, 2011


This Hydrangea bush makes me smile.  Not just because it's so lovely but, because last year we really thought we had lost it.  The drought wreaked havoc on many of our plantings.  I'm so happy to see that it pulled through and is gracing us with it's loveliness.  Hello gorgeous!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rockin Walls...seriously ROCKIN!

Mark finished his latest project.  Go HERE to read all about it.  Oh and while you are sure to comment on his creation.  I know he would be happy to hear from you. This latest wall  is truly a  masterpiece and I couldn't be more proud of my honey bunny and his amazing talent.  He ROCKS!  (pun intended)


Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy July 4th!

Declare your independence!  Show your pride to be an American!  (Buddy sure did!)  Enjoy the fireworks!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Harvested Ferns...round two

You may remember last year when I harvested ferns from our woods.  I mean really, why pay for something when you can just rehome it temporarily?  You may also remember (or not) that I also returned them to the woods at the end of the season.  I'm happy to report they are flourishing in their new (old) home.

Since that experiment was so successful I decided to give it another whirl.  The new kids are doing great!  I wonder if their predecessors told them it was fun to hang out at MCF for the summer?