Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Conserving energy

Mark and I have been on a "budget snipping kick" lately.  We negotiated with our DirectTv provider for a lower rate (less channels) but hey we rarely watch tv.  We have only had to turn on our AC once this season and we plan to harvest some of our own firewood for heat this winter. 

A few days ago I was turning on the spigot to fill the top field water troughs when I noticed how quickly our meter (that measures our energy consumption) was spinning.  Quick calculation had me determine that our clothes dryer was the only device running at the time.  I was appalled.  Today I put a stop to it.  (No I did not list my dryer on Craigslist).  I did even better.  I rehung my clothes line.  It felt great. 

I can smell my clothes drying as I sit on my porch and type.  I think if more folks considered how we expend energy, and made one small change, the world may just be a better place.  Okay...that is a broad statement...but I can guarantee their electric bill would shrink.  Try it...you will be amazed.