Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A special Mother's Day

I know it's been over a week since Mother's Day.  But life has gotten in the way of my computer time.  (we just built a freakin' bridge for God's sake! Cut me some slack...gheesh!)

Anyway...Mark loves cutting flowers etc. from our property to use for gift arrangements for people.  On Mother's Day he was in full effect.  He had gathered his florals and was busily arranging in the kitchen.  So sweet!  I knew his and my mom were gonna love this.

But...can you imagine my surprise...when he present ME with my own bouquet?  I was shocked!

But that's not all...he also got me a lovely card...

that he WROTE in...the message was so endearing.  I cried.  I really did.  He gets it...and he gets me.  It's so nice to know my life partner is so in tune with me and my feelings.  I'm so, so, so lucky.