Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The rest of the story...

So, I promised you the funny story about our Christmas tree.  You could probably say it was the Christmas tree that almost wasn't.  First a little background.  Our home is a 200something year old farmhouse.  It's small.  I mean barely 8ft tall ceilings small.  So when a very dear friend 'gifted' us a gorgeous pre-lit artificial douglas fir tree we were bummed.  We wanted to put that tree in our living room SO BAD, but just knew it would not fit.  

It sat in storage for a few years...(poor tree).  This year we decided it was unfair to let it grow cobwebs when another family could be enjoying it.  We dug it out of storage and we opened it up.  (in the driveway)  It was huge, and gorgeous and lovely and it looked so real!  Seriously.  Then the real test...we plugged that bad boy in.  And it lit up!  I mean nearly every single bulb lit up.  Mark and I were shocked.  We stood there (in the driveway) with this stupid grin on our faces.  Then we looked at each other.

Mark:  "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
Me:  "Uh Huh."
Mark:  "Go open the front door."
Me:  "Should we measure first?"
Mark:  "Nope...we'll figure that part out later."

We stuffed and shoved and repositioned the top of the tree (it was almost 8" too tall) and voila!  We have a huge and gorgeous and lovely tree in our living room.  We LOVE IT!  

And so do the cats...

And don't worry...we were able to get that star on top...just fine.  Bring it on Santa!  We're ready for ya!