Thursday, March 22, 2012

A new sign for Meadow Creek Farm - Part 1

Our old farm sign had seen better days…it was weathered and beaten.  We decided it was time to bring in a sign that more accurately represented what goes on at Meadow Creek Farm, LLC.

This meant we needed the heavy machinery.

Bye bye old sign.  I'll miss you.

The new sign holder is really cool.  Our friend made it for us from rebar and exhaust pipe.  It totally fits in with our style here on the farm.

It's going to look so cool once it starts to weather.

Mark dug the hole with our skid steer and auger.  That thing cranked out that hole like nobody's business.  Can you smell the testosterone?  No?  Okay...maybe it's diesel fumes.

Mark loves using ALL of our equipment.  Why you ask?  Well…because it's there!  Sheesh.

He was thinking we'd need the mini-ex to hold the sign holder in place while the concrete set.

He was so excited to hook straps to it.  Look at that smile.  His joy was palpable.

Fillin' the hole with concrete.  Exciting huh?

We only needed two bags.  (btw…loving my new camera…it takes such great photos)

Guess what?  Yup…you got it.  We didn't need that mini-ex after all.   Sign holder stood just fine.  But what having the mini out did do, was offer Mark a teaching opportunity.  Yup…he taught me how to operate it.  Don't worry.  We got photos…just for you.  (Aren't we nice?)

But in the meantime...behold...the new sign holder.  We'll be installing the new sign shortly...stay tuned!


1 comment:

  1. Why was I thinking that the next photo would be Mark hanging from the newly designed post! Geez -- can't wait to SEE the new sign. Great job -- what a team.
