Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hanging in there...

Giggy came home from the hospital on Friday. We've been tube feeding him 6-8 times a day...which has been a challenge, but we are managing. He is tolerating everything so well. Such the great little patient. He is on pain meds now and seems happier. His healing is going to be slow. He had alot of trauma to his legs. But we are patient people...okay...Mark is patient. We already know I am not, so stop shaking your head.

Part of Gigilo's recovery requires that we put warm compresses on his legs to help with debridement and to facilitate the removal of exudate (translation...anything icky). (yes icky is a medical term...go ahead and look it up). Giggy enjoys the warm compress part. I mean really...who wouldn't? (Mark wants to know when it will be his turn)

The next picture is very graphic. If you have a weak stomach...stop reading now. I mean it...don't go any further. But, if you are interested in seeing just how extensive Gigilo's injuries are...the photo below the next paragraph will address that.

I feel a need to document this as I want to be able to look back (once he is all healed, healthy and happily running around our house) and see the amazing recovery with my own eyes. He really is a trooper.