Saturday, February 27, 2010

My buddy...Buddy

This face is a face I smooch alot. Yes I kiss my horses...they deserve it. Not as much as I smooch Mark, but they come in a close second.

I am looking forward to lots of fun trail rides this year...on Cheech and on Buddy. The best thing about Buddy is that we've developed this partnership...I don't worry when I ride him...I relax. We are past that hump of me being on guard...I know his next move in advance and trust him completely. I just adore him. And that face...who wouldn't love that face!

ps. Buddy turns 8 on March 15th. I plan to sing to him. Don't worry...I'll post the video here. Check back when you have time. And if you don't have time...MAKE time. I promise you'll be happy you did.