Monday, February 22, 2010

Sleigh Ride

We've been shoveling and plowing for days...and I'm not gonna lie...we were starting to loathe the snow. We knew this negative energy was not good for either of our spirits. So yesterday we decided to make amends...bury the hatchet so to say. We hit the hill on our sleds. What a blast!

My sled was more of the modern style...but it's super fast...I think the pink makes it that way. Mark's is more a vintage style and this thing cranks. I mean seriously it goes scarey fast. Must be the weight. (Mark and I had just had HUGE subs from Subway for lunch)

First we had to clear the gate of snow so we could have an escape route. (this took a long time) Of course we did not have anything to stop us from careening down the hill and into the boggy spring swamp mess in the woods...but sometimes it's fun to live dangerously.


See that hump of snow? Man I totally caught MAJOR air on that hump. So fun. I also careened into the swampy spring bog in the woods. It's all's part of the game. You know?

Luckily we did not have any major we figured we'd stage a few. We call it the redneck Olympics. Mark got gold in the downhill fence one man toboggan. His form was unmatched.

I got Silver. Hey...I had stiff competition!