Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm a BIG girl now!

Today was Cheyenne's very first trailer ride by herself.  I decided it was time to take the plunge.  I hauled her to Pretty Boy for a trail ride.  The haul over is only about 10 minutes and the loop we ride is about 45 minutes.  Perfect.  Cheyenne loaded like a champ and waited quietly while I did my last trailer walk around check. 

She fits in the front stall...snuggly.  She doesn't seem to mind...there's a hay bag up there.  She adores her hay bag. I think she even named it Getinmybelly.

YUM...hay bag Ma!

On the trail she moved out like she'd done this a million times.  She was very interested in her surroundings, but not spooky.  I was so happy!

When we got back to the trailer, Cheyenne calmly took in more of her surroundings (and more hay).  There were two geese playing in the water behind us...she was very interested in them.  I think she may have been contemplating how nice a swim would feel.  Unfortunately I forgot to bring her water wings. 

I swear in this picture she's saying, "Yeah I wanna piece a this?"  She's so awesome. 

I think I forgot to mention it was in the upper 80s today...HOT.  And my poor baby hasn't even shed out her winter coat entirely.  She was a HOT mess.  But she was a happy hot mess...happy that hay bag was still on the trailer when we got back.  She's so easy to please. 

It was such a wonderful ride...I am still smiling about it.  The End.  (Get it?  They END)  hee hee