Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More signs of spring..down on the farm!

Imagine my surprise when I saw these little fellows pop up.  I had no idea I had tulips on the farm.  Now I'm inspired to create a club and invite more.  I'll start putting up flyers now.

We have 3 Gingko trees...they have the most unusually cool leaves.  Like little duck feet.  This one is just starting to bud and bloom...but in a few days it will be amazing!

A few years ago Mark and I bought several flowering trees for the farm in honor of each of our horses.  Seti and Quest each got a Dogwood (they aren't blooming just yet), Cheech got a Cherry Tree (also not quite blooming yet) and Buddy got a Red Bud...in FULL BLOOM.  I love Red Bud trees.  The flowers proliferate the entire branch.  LOVE that.