Thursday, April 29, 2010

When you often ride alone

When you ride as much as I do, it's really difficult to find someone to ride along every time.  Mark is usually working and my boarders have lives outside of their horses (as well they should).  So when I want photos of my horses and me, I need to be creative.  Below...are my attempts.  Not much creativity going on I know, but hey at least we are both in the frame and sort of in focus.  We get an A for least in my book.  (I'm an easy grader)

First is Cheyenne...just after our ride.  BTW...she wanted me to post that she was VERY good. 

And this is Buddy.  He was happy that I rode Cheyenne. 

And finally, Seti.  I still can't believe her ears were up. 

During the entire time I was getting pics of Buddy and Seti...Cheyenne was making faces, messing with the trunk outside her stall, pushing on her door...every trick in the book to get my attention.  She wanted her picture taken I did.  (look at the smug look on her face)