Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Knock Knock. Who's there? Cantaloupe. Cantaloupe who?

Can't elope tonight...I gotta work in the morning.  Ahahahhaah.  Okay...stupid.  But it's one of my favorite knock knock jokes.  Second only to the banana knock knock.  I'll save that one for another time. 

Back to my cantaloupe.  You may remember when we first thought we had watermelons.  Then I had to embarrassingly admit they were cantaloupes.  Woops.  Well...over this past weekend...I plucked our first cantaloupe off the vine. 

Hello my scrumptious little beauty.  What?  What's that in my hand?  Never you mind.  I promise this will be painless.

See...that wasn't so bad was it?

Huh?  What?  Oh  no...this won't hurt either.  Promise. 

Hate to tell him...his brother just came off the vine last night.  He's sitting on the counter now.  Shhhhhhh...